Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Organization Efficient WorkCultural Review SAMSUNG †Free Samples

Question: Discuss about the Organization Cultural Review SAMSUNG. Answer: Introduction The organizational development had seen the large prospect of the implementation of the effective and efficient work culture for the operations in a particular region ( 2013). There are many organizations having global existence and their operations, functions and other prospects are different in different locations. The following report had been developed for forming the analysis of the cultural variation in a global organization. Samsung has been selected for forming the comparison of cultural variation in the organization at their home state and that of Australia. Samsung is a Korean company and it had spread all over the world including Australia. Comparison of the working culture of Samsung The working culture of Samsung in Korea and Australia have been compared in the following section, In Korea (home country): According to Soh, Kim and Whang (2014), the working culture of Samsung varies location wise and their strategies have been varying too. The working culture of Samsung in South Korea forms a balance of the work and life among the employees. The theory of smart working is carried on by the developing operation of the organization. Samsung had achieved flexible working culture for the development of the project operations and formation of effective and smart working culture in the organization. The encouragement of the learning and development had been largely induced in the working culture of Australia in their home country, Korea. In Australia: On the other hand Lee, Kim and Park (2015) have pointed out that the operations of Samsung in Australia had been focusing on development of the operations and functions. The passionate harnessing of technology and power had been the primitive motive of the working culture of Samsung in Australia. The working culture of Samsung is developing the creativity, empowerment, and courage of their employees. They have been forming new scope in the development of the education and providing more opportunities for the people. Comparing Corporate Social Responsibility of Samsung The corporate social responsibility of Samsung in Korea and Australia have been compared in the following section, In Korea (home country): Kim et al. (2016) have stated that the corporate social responsibility of Samsung in Korea focuses on People, Society, and Environment. The organization had been developing strategies in accordance to the customers, human rights and law compliance. The supply chain management, corporate citizenship, and innovation had been followed by Samsung for developing their operations in Korea. The Environmental factors like Green policy, eco friendly products, and EHS management had been largely followed by Samsung for developing their strategies and operations. The company had been focusing on the occupational development of the operations in favor of the customers and formation of environmental friendly operations for the manufacturing and development (Rani et al. 2016). The focus on the people, society, and environment for the development of the operations of the organization would be highly developed in terms of the corporate social responsibility. In Australia: The corporate social responsibility of Samsung in Australia had been largely influenced by the People, Knowledge, and Power (Piao and Kleiner 2015). The people of Samsung have been actively taking parts in the various activities of the community for social awakening. They have been influencing youths and providing them with effective and smart functionality of the operations. The encouragement to the people had been effective for forming the support to the operations of the organization. The knowledge development and innovation had been successful for the development of the creative and innovative thinking in the organization (Rani et al. 2016). The organizational empowerment of the operations had been formed for the inclusion of the operational activities. The Samsung had been highly cognitive for the formation of the effective and smart operational activities of the development schedule. Competitive Advantage of Samsung Samsung had been using the competitive advantage for increasing the sale of its products. The development of the corporate operations had been prevalent for the development of the competitive advantages of Samsung in compare to other company and organizations. The competitive advantages of Samsung in Korea and Australia have been compared in the following section, In Korea (home country): The Samsung being the home company gets the benefit of persuasion of the people towards opting for the brand ( 2013). The people of Korea had been largely infusing the use Samsung devices for their operational development and functional improvement of the operations. The other factors of competitive advantage for the Samsung are the introduction of the smart android devices for the users to get the benefit of operation. The improvement of the operations would be helpful for the development of the customer development probabilities. In Australia: The systematic development of the company and gaining of global recognition would be helpful for the growth of popularity among the people of the Australia (Samsung au. 2017). The procurement of the operations had assisted in the formation of compliance of operation in the operations. The encouragement to the people had been effective for forming the support to the operations of the organization. The organizational empowerment of the operations had been formed for the inclusion of the operational activities. Conclusion The report had been made for forming the analysis of the comparison of the comparison of cultural variation in the organization at their home state and that of Australia. The working culture of Samsung includes the balance of the work and life, smart working, flexible working culture, and learning and development for their home country whereas the culture has passionate harnessing of technology and power, development of the operations and functions, and creativity, empowerment, and courage in Australia. The corporate social responsibility of Samsung had been focusing on people, society, and environment in their home country and people, knowledge, and power for Australia. The competitive advantage of Samsung in Korea is the loyalty of people and home ground and the global recognition of the brand in the world. References Kim, S., Lee, H., Kwon, Y., Yu, M. and Jo, H., 2016, December. Our Journey to Becoming Agile: Experiences with Agile Transformation in Samsung Electronics. InSoftware Engineering Conference (APSEC), 2016 23rd Asia-Pacific(pp. 377-380). IEEE. Lee, S.J., Kim, J. and Park, B.I., 2015. Culture clashes in cross-border mergers and acquisitions: A case study of Sweden's Volvo and South Korea's Samsung.International Business Review,24(4), pp.580-593. Piao, M. and Kleiner, B., 2015. Excellence in the Electronics Industry: The Comparison of the Organizational Culture among Apple Inc., Samsung Electronics and Google Inc.Conflict Resolution Negotiation Journal,2015(1). Rani, H.M.N.S., Zuber, F., Yusoof, M.S., Zamziba, M.N. and Toriry, S.A., 2016. 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